Friday, March 18, 2011

Excerpts:Cabinet Secretary Edano's press conference at 11:30 AM today

Cabinet Secretary Edano's press conference at 11:30 AM today
Nuclear reactor status report.

Yesterday we sprayed reactor 3 with water from the ground and air. There is steam and we think that some of it got to the pool. We do not know exactly how much. This will be done again in the afternoon.

Before noon the work will concentrate on getting power to reactor 2

Tokyo metropolitan fire brigade is getting close to the site, Reactor 1 pool is our next target. we need to keep all pools replenished.

Radiation levels are being monitored in the plant area. Some places fluctuate, but so far there are no areas that people can't enter. We are increasing perimeter monitoring efforts.

Question / Answer session

Why concentrating on power before noon and water spraying afternoon?
We hope to do some things in parallel, but some thing require use of the whole area. power is getting to the site. Reactor 3 need to be cooled.

Power to site will have a lot of good effects

We basically use water to cool the site. We have an abundance of sea water so we are using US military fire trucks

Why power being not connected to reactor 3,4 but only to 1,2?
We have to use the space efficiently even if there is an abundance of it. I belive the people on location made this based on the options available.

Radiation fluctuations?
100 micro Sv/h for a few moments
Not something immediately damaging to life
We are also confirming that there is no one there

What about reactor 5,6?
Right now the temperature is rising but not something that requires immediate attention.
we will decide what is necessary as we go

Reactor 3 needs most attention. SDF
Reactor 1 will be tended to by the fire brigade
but this is not fixed.

US advsiory on 80km, is there any plans for similar advisory in japan?
not now
It will depend on situation at reactor. I can understand foreign countries taking the conservative stand point. I would too.

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